Think Big Management Consultant
Sabahan owned and Sabah based firm specializing in the development of management systems (ISO 9001- Quality Management System, ISO 45001- Occupational Health and Safety, ISO 14001- Environmental Management System, ISO 22000 - Food Safety Management System, ISO 37001 - Anti Bribery Management System, ISO 39001 - Road Traffic Safety Management System, MS 2530 - Malaysia Sustainable Palm Oil, GDPMD - Good Distribution Practice for Medical Device, etc) as well as human resource development programmes in organisations.

The creation of Think Big Management Consultant Sdn. Bhd. (TBMC) was the culmination of years of hard-knocks and hands-on experiences of our team. We aspire to share our beliefs and values with our compatriots and prospective clients to facilitate their achievement of excellence and sustainable competitive edge. Eventually, it is our pleasure to see these organizations to be able to take on market challenges and opportunities globally through sound business practices and specialized knowledge. We are proud yet humble to enunciate that with our own successful ventures, trials and tribulations as well as diverse expertise in the relevant fields, we could offer creative solutions and viable alternatives for organisations to go forward. Through our integrated human capital development and consultancy approaches, we have helped numerous organizations to grow in leaps and bounds. Think Big is your definite partner to push you to the forefront of business excellence.
As a management consultancy and training firm, our core businesses are as follows:
Development of ISO management systems which include Quality - ISO 9001, Occupational Health and Safety - ISO 45001, Environment - ISO 14001, Food Safety - ISO 22000, Anti Bribery - ISO 37001, Road Traffic Safety - ISO 39001, Quality Medical Device - ISO 13485 and other related systems in organisations.
Development of other management systems including Malaysian Sustainable Palm OIl (MSPO) - MS 2530, Malaysian Sustainable Palm OIl Supply Chain Certification Standard (SCCS), Good Distribution Practice for Medical Device (GDPMD), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) - MS 1514, Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Point (HACCP) - MS 1480, Makanan Sihat Tanggungjawab Industri (MeSTI) and other related systems in organisations.
Enhancement of management of systems in clients' organisation through review of documentation processes and other vital management system components.
Facilitate evolution of management system performance through internal audit services and management review action plans.
Provision of risk management services related to business performance, safety hazards, environment aspect impact, food safety hazard analysis and other related risk requirements.
Transition services towards latest management system version.
Training courses related to all ISO and the management system requirements.